法国学者:法中元首外交引领两国关系积极向前 | 世界观|久久青娱乐

  近日,中国国家主席习近平出访欧洲三国,受到国际专家学者高度关注。法国席勒研究所高级研究员塞巴斯蒂安·德罗孔(Sébastien Drochon)接受中新网专访时指出,在地缘政治冲突频发的当下,习主席此访表明了欧中双方对和平稳定、互信合作的共同期待。


  The state visits of President Xi to three European countries signal peace, cooperation, and dialogue, as they are occurring in the context of huge tensions, said Sébastien Drochon, senior fellow of the Schiller Institute in France, in an exclusive interview with China News Network.

  Drochon noted the positive effects that the personal friendship between state leaders has had on state relations and emphasized the importance of people-to-people exchanges. He encourages French youths to “go to China, to understand China, and to invest in China” and explore the huge potential of cooperation between the two countries. (Lin Zhuowei)

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